Labels:text | screenshot | software | display | multimedia software | number | computer icon OCR: fam Delphi 2.0 Strings [Stopped] × File Edit Search View Project Run Component Database Workgroups Tools Help Standard Additional Win95 Dialogs System Data Access Data Controls A [ab] OK x O 88 Network Form3 TX Neighborhood @ STRINGSF.PAS Stringsf {Set delimiter True so the first character Inbox will be capitalized. } delimiter := True; {Loop through the string. } for i : = 1 to Length (s) do Recycle Bin {If this character is a delimiter set delimiter to True. } if s[i] in [' ', #9] then delimiter := True else My Briefcase {This character is not a delimiter so see if it needs its case changed. } if delimiter then - 90: 1 Insert Start Borland D. Es Writing Wy Microsoft 1am Delphi32 Strings